We have experience of working with an array of partners to draw on existing best practice and link-up services to deliver improved quality of care and outcomes while making efficiency savings.

Foundation Courses

Foundation Courses range from stand-alone modules involving several hours of study to more extensive programmes with multiple modules released in bite-size sections to support your learning and engagement with the topic
Rough Sleeper Mental Health Awareness [Free] Supports cross-sector professionals working with rough sleeper’s mental health difficulties
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Rough Sleeper Mental Health Awareness [Free]

Backed by the Mayor of London's Rough Sleeping Innovation Fund, Westminster City Council and London Borough of Lambeth, this 18 month free course supports cross-sector professionals in recognising and working with the Mental Health needs of rough sleepers and the unstably housed. Fifteen leading experts (incl. service users, Sir Michael Marmot, Deputy Mayor James Murray, A.Prof Nick Maguire, Jane Cook DoH MHCLG amongst others) will discuss the context and complexity of need, approaches to engagement and support, recognising and working with risk and key mental health and substance use problems. The course will also explore the use of legislation such as the Mental Health Act, navigating the NHS and helping those with ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’.
Course Length: Four Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Improving Access to Services for Clients Experiencing Multiple Disadvantage & Co-occurring Conditions [Free] Understand how to improve access to services for traditionally excluded groups
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Improving Access to Services for Clients Experiencing Multiple Disadvantage & Co-occurring Conditions [Free]

Backed by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), this aneemo course has been created in partnership with the NHS’s Transformation Partners in Health and Care Co-Occurring Conditions Team to support cross-sector professionals in recognising and supporting the multiple and co-occurring needs of people who experience multiple disadvantage.
Course Length: Four modules
Duration: 30-45 mins per module
Course Price: Free
Trauma Informed Approaches Support frontline staff, managers and organisations in developing a Trauma Informed Approach to their services
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Trauma Informed Approaches

This course will support you to understand the relationship between multiple complex needs and trauma. Through focusing on the psychological and systemic impact of developmental, compound and continuous trauma you will develop an understanding of the rationale for Trauma Informed Approaches, reflect on your current practice and develop key trauma-informed skills. Each module contains multiple training videos from experts in the field, which sit alongside downloadable tools, worksheets, materials and links to further reading.
Course Length: 4 Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Piece of the PIE Developing your Psychologically Informed Environment
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Piece of the PIE

This course is recommended for individuals and organisations wishing to be both psychologically and trauma-informed. It will explore how Psychologically Informed Environment approaches supporting individuals with multiple complex needs – recognition of the prevalence and impact of complex trauma, why PIE is the recommended best practice approach for working with multiple disadvantage, the latest PIE evidence-based developments, assessing how PIE services already are and how to further enhance everyday psychologically-informed practice.
Course Length: Six Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Strengths-Based Approaches Develop an understanding of strengths-based approaches to support
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Strengths-Based Approaches

This practical course will allow you to develop an understanding of strengths-based and Solution Focused Therapy approaches to support. The benefits of strengths-based approaches are widely recognised and have an established evidence-base for working with individuals with histories of complex trauma. Here you will learn – how to help people build-up the river-bank of resources in order to support them in containing and managing the torrent of traumatic experience, spot sparkling moments and use scaling to recognise each precious step towards meaningful progress for them.
Course Length: 4 Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Motivational Interviewing Techniques you can use to help enhance a persons motivation to change
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Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing is a person-centered and collaborative approach that helps people to make changes in their lives through exploring and resolving the ambivalence or inner conflict or mixed feelings they are experiencing about the behaviour they want to change. Motivational Interviewing has been shown to be particularly effective with people struggling with dependency issues but is applicable to helping people in any situation where a significant choice is being contemplated.
Course Length: Four modules
Duration: 30 - 45 mins of study per module
Course Price £36
Working With Women Experiencing Complex Needs Understand the specific, multiple and complex difficulties experienced by vulnerable or multiply disadvantaged women
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Working With Women Experiencing Complex Needs

Working with women experiencing complex needs: This course will help participants understand the specific, multiple and complex difficulties experienced by vulnerable or multiply disadvantaged women and explore tailored approaches to service design and deliver for this population. This will include thinking about the role of power, and complex and compound trauma; prostitution; working with risk, safeguarding and domestic violence; working with couples, the loss of children taken into the care system and relationships to care and support professionals; before exploring practical skills to enhance engagement, strengths-based approaches, work with substance use, trauma informed systems and female service re-design.
Course Length: Four Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Mental Health Skills Training Understand the factors that impact on mental health
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Mental Health Skills Training

Drawing on the growing evidence of Mental Health First Aid - Mental Health Skills Training will enable frontline support staff to feel confident in understanding the factors that impact on mental health and wellbeing; recognise key mental health presentations; feel confident in offering support and delivering brief interventions to enhance wellbeing; as well as how and when to signposting for further support. This is particularly tailored towards frontline staff working with both mild-moderate and more complex need populations.
Course Length: Four Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Attachment in Action How to use Attachment Theory to enhance service design, build relationships and transform the biopsychosocial functioning of those we support
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Attachment in Action

This course is a must for all in the support and care professions! Attachment theory is one of the most important theories of human nature. This course will explore why attachment theory is so important, how it develops and what happens when the attachment process is derailed. It will explore the neuro-biology of attachment; how to spot secure and insecure attachment styles; how an understanding of attachment theory can inform our contact with colleagues and service users and be used to design services including Psychologically-informed and Trauma-informed services.
Course Length: Three Modules / One Optional
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Positive Behavioural Support: Managing Behaviours that Challenge Understand the relationship between complex needs and ‘behaviour that challenges’
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Positive Behavioural Support: Managing Behaviours that Challenge

This course will support you to understand the relationship between complex needs and ‘challenging behaviour’. Through considering the context that challenging behaviour unfolds within you will extend your knowledge about the factors that trigger and maintain difficulties, how praise and reward can effectively be deployed, and how to avoid inadvertently reinforcing distress or unhelpful patterns of care seeking. This understanding will lead to practical skills in formulating the function and communications behind behaviour that challenges, increasing confidence in creating positive strength-based interventions and support plans.
Course Length: Four Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Supervision Skills Learn about the importance of good supervision and its role in improving practice, enhancing development and protecting against burnout
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Supervision Skills

For those who supervise - learn about the importance of good supervision and its role in improving practice, enhancing development and protecting against burnout and vicarious trauma. This course will explore key supervisory models and approaches, the centrality of the supervisory relationship and working alliance, practical supervision skills, reflection on your supervision style, as well as tools for structuring, monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of supervision.
Course Length: Four Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Working Positively with Risk and Safety Explore working with risk and safety in collaborative, strengths-based and proactive ways (incl. suicide, self-harm, self-neglect, accidental harm).
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Working Positively with Risk and Safety

Explore working with risk and safety when supporting complex needs populations using a carefully structured video-based curriculum, downloadable worksheets, tools and quizzes. It will cover - what we mean by different types of risk, who is most at risk and how to use collaborative, strengths-based and proactive approaches to risk management and safety planning. The course will predominantly focus on working with risk people posed to themselves through self-harm and suicide. However, it will also look at other forms of risk such as self-neglect, and risk from others.
Course Length: Four Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Boundaries and Disclosure Explore why boundary violations are so common, the different types of boundaries, and how to develop safe practice in this area
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Boundaries and Disclosure

Boundaries and Disclosure: It is important - when working with individuals with complex needs and histories of trauma who have so often had their boundaries violated - that we recognise and work to address the potential for inadvertent repetition of boundary violations (not only from service users themselves but also from staff and the wider system). This course will explore why boundary violations are so common, the different types of boundaries, and how to develop safe practice in this area. The course will also explore the dilemmas, sensitivity and benefits of thoughtful personal disclosure as a worker; and how to work with and respond to client disclosure.
Course Length: Four Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Staff Self-Care and Wellbeing Recognise the challenges of working in the care and support professions, the signs of burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma
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Staff Self-Care and Wellbeing

This course will highlight the benefits but also the challenges of working in the care and support professions. It will explore the signs and symptoms of burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma which can lead to staff sickness, staff turnover and ineffectual or dangerous practice. After recognising the risk factors in busy and challenging work environments, the course will go on to explore how to build resilience and enhance wellbeing and workplace satisfaction. This course is not only recommended for individuals, but also mangers and the wider organisation.
Course Length: Four Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Formulation Skills Developing personalised approaches that understand and intervene effectively to support service users consistent team approaches and guidelines.
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Formulation Skills

Psychological Formulation is arguably the most important tool for understanding and responding to behaviour. This course will cover a range of formulation methods in order to develop personalised, enhanced and targeted approaches to care and support. The course will also explore how to formulate as a team, use formulation skills in reflective practice and how to develop consistent team approach plans.
Course Length: Four Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Safeguarding Adults Support for all frontline staff in understanding their responsibilities regarding Safeguarding Adult procedures
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Safeguarding Adults

Legislation lays out that ‘Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility’ at work as well as in our personal lives. This course aims to build awareness of the key issues around Safeguarding Adults, enhancing confidence in knowing ones responsibilities, how to recognise when an adult may be at risk, how to raise concerns and the support and guidance available. It is important that everyone feels confident and equipped in responding to safeguarding concerns and this course aim to deliver this through engaging expert videos, clinical case examples, quizzes, exercises, downloadable tools and materials.
Course Length: Three Modules
Course Duration: 30 - 45 mins per module.
Course Price: £36
An Introduction to Safeguarding Adults for Volunteers and Temporary Staff Support volunteers in understanding their responsibilities regarding safeguarding procedures
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An Introduction to Safeguarding Adults for Volunteers and Temporary Staff

Legislation lays out that ‘Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility’ at work as well as in our personal lives. This course aims to build awareness of the key issues around Safeguarding Adults, enhancing confidence in knowing ones responsibilities, how to recognise when an adult may be at risk, how to raise concerns and the support and guidance available. It is important that everyone feels confident and equipped in responding to safeguarding concerns and this course aim to deliver this through engaging expert videos, clinical case examples, quizzes, exercises, downloadable tools and materials.
Course Length: One Module
Course Duration: 45 to 60 mins per module
Course Price: £10
Safeguarding Children Understand your responsibilities and how to respond to child safeguarding concerns
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Safeguarding Children

Safeguarding is often a really challenging and complex aspect to working with children and young people. As every case is different and complex it is really important to share information you have and make decisions on actions jointly and not feel alone or solely responsible. There are some downloadable documents along the course to help you with decision making around how to assess and respond to risk to try and help you navigate and feel more supported when working with complex issues. This course aims to build your awareness around the key issues to think about when Safeguarding Children and build your confidence in knowing what your responsibilities are, and feel more equipped to know how to respond to safeguarding issues. Length: 3 modules. Duration: 30 – 45 mins of study per module.
Course Length: Three Modules
Course Duration: 30 to 45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Compassion Focused Ways of Working When under pressure or Drawing on principals from Compassion Focused Therapy to help us activate the brain’s soothing and drive systems to calm our own and our clients threat system
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Compassion Focused Ways of Working

Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) is a psychological model developed by Paul Gilbert, that draws together ideas from evolutionary, neuro-biological, behavioural and psychological theories, as well as Eastern philosophies, to achieve a coherent and easily understood model. Helpful for those working in the homelessness sector, explains complex and entrenched behavioural patterns.
Course Length: Four Modules
Course Duration: 60 mins per module
Course Price: £36
De-escalation Training Everything you need to know about de-escalation
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De-escalation Training

This course is designed to help you understand behaviour that challenges, what some of the triggers might be and what you can do as an individual or a staff member to take the heat out of a challenging situation. We will also think about the support that you need as an individual and staff team, and how small things such as body language and empathic validation can help us manage difficult situations in the most effective way.
Course Length: Two Modules
Course Duration: 60 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Working with People Who Commit Offences A psychologically-informed approach to working with people who commit offences
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Working with People Who Commit Offences

Welcome to this aneemo course on working with adults who commit offences. This course has been developed to increase your understanding of different types of offences, factors which contribute to a person’s involvement in crime, how to make a robust risk assessment and management plan, and how to effectively support people who have committed offences. There are four modules contained within this course each of which consist of videos, exercises and handouts to help you to build skills and confidence when working with people who have criminal convictions.
Course Duration: Four Modules
Course Price: £36
Solution Focused Therapy Approaches to Support Work A novel approach to supporting individuals with complex needs
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Solution Focused Therapy Approaches to Support Work

This training is designed to introduce you to a Solution Focused Therapy derived approaches to supporting individuals with complex needs - which might include a history of traumatic life events, homelessness, addictions, mental health difficulties, physical health problems and more. To do so we will be learning a particular method and set of techniques borrowed from solution focussed brief therapy. This method offers a powerful and rewarding way of working with people, by shifting the focus of the work from trying to understand problems to supporting the development of solutions. Over five modules will guide you through the approach from beginning to end. You’ll learn about the principles and underlying assumptions, and what it means to be strengths and solution focussed. We’ll introduce key techniques and common challenges you may encounter – starting with goal setting (or establishing ‘best hopes’); moving on to introduce two key methods for helping people imagine and realise better futures for themselves (miracle questions and scaling questions). You will learn to support your clients by helping them to build up a detailed picture of their life in which their best hopes have been realised; to encourage them to focus on what is already working, or has worked, in their lives; helping them to identify the strengths and resources, which frees them up to move towards their goals.
Length: Five Modules
Course Duration: 30 to 45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
Understanding & Working with Substance Use Develop your understanding of assessment and formulation, and learn practical techniques to effectively support people with substance use disorder
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Understanding & Working with Substance Use

Length: Four Modules
Course Duration: 30-45 mins per module
Course Price: £36
A white background with a few lines on it
Dr Williamson: 3 book chapters, writing new guidance on CLG Psychologically Informed Environments; visiting lecturer Institute of Psychiatry
A black and white icon of a circuit board on a white background.
Built sector's capacity for delivering Psychologically Informed Environments and Trauma Informed Care and working with complex Mental Health needs.
A couple of black hearts on a white background.
2016: delivered free Mental Health training to Crisis at Christmas volunteer team leaders
A black and white silhouette of a circle on a white background.
Highly skilled staff mix: doctoral Clinical Psychologists with extensive homelessness experience.
A white background with a few lines on it
Developed a comprehensive training portfolio to enhance best practice

Training Packages

We have a comprehensive portfolio of high-quality training programmes specifically tailored to the sector, which utilise the latest evidence and practice-based developments combined with state of the art LMS web-based technology.
We also have the in-house expertise to be able to work with organisations to develop bespoke LMS and blended face to face training programmes based on individual provider’s needs. 
Providers can also select from the menu of training modules to create tailored training programmes. 

Learning management system (LMS)

Web-based training is pragmatic and allows services access to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) at any time, from anywhere on any device. This is particularly relevant to shift and night workers, whose work patterns can negatively impact on their ability to attend day-time face-to-face training.

aneemo training programmes are built with a Learning Management System (LMS), a software application that enables the provider to create and deliver content and assess student participation and performance as well as evaluate and gather feedback. 

The training programmes incorporate a mix of media in order to optimise the learner experience. LMS are becoming more widely available and being adopted by some leading global institutions and top universities who recognise the benefits of quality flexible web-based learning solutions. 

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your precise needs so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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